Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

BiNeuro může zlepšit výkon reklam.

O společnosti BINEURO
BiNeuro používá umělou inteligenci, aby se učil a stal se chytřejší v každé reklamní kampani online, kterou zahajuje. Společnost tvrdí, že zatímco lidé nemohou vytvořit více než 100 reklamních kampaní za rok, od roku 2009 BiNeuro uskutečnila přes 80 000 kampaní Google, což je srovnatelné s 800 lety lidských zkušeností.

Software může vypočítat 1000 různých parametrů pro malé zákazníky a 300 000 pro velké společnosti 24 hodin denně reagovat na nové změny. Dokonce i odborník nemůže spravovat více než 40 parametrů najednou.

Poskytuje maximální efektivitu, která může být užitečná nejen pro reklamní společnosti, ale i pro ekonomicky efektivní profesionály, kteří v 87% případů zvýší účinnost kampaní o nejméně 50%.

mluvit o zajímavém softwaru, který brzy začne prodávat mince: BiNeuro. Společnost je partnerem společnosti Google a vyvíjí řešení pro použití v ad-neuro pomocí blokovací technologie.

Vytvořil UTC World Corporation, BiNeuro je nový ekosystém určený pro nervovou reklamu. Je to systém umělé inteligence postavený pomocí strojového učení, velkých dat, genetických algoritmů a jediné spektrální analýzy. V podstatě, pokud chcete zkrátit její verzi: BiNeuro činí reklamu efektivnější.

To se nezdá být dobrým vysvětlením, pokud lze generalizovat, ale společnost BiNeuro může ušetřit spoustu peněz na efektivní firemní reklamní kampaně.

Software již existuje, ale používá zdroje ICO k aktualizaci systému a spuštění nové webové verze aplikace BiNeuro, kterou mohou používat malé instituce. S inteligentními smlouvami a klíčovými analýzami, které byly zablokovány, může společnost BiNeuro zefektivnit reklamu.

To mohou využívat podniky, které se ho snaží prosazovat, stejně jako malé a střední reklamní agentury, nezávislé pracovníky a reklamní společnosti.

Tyto instituce mají vysoké náklady, protože jsou velmi drahé a ziskové pro rudu. Z tohoto důvodu mohou nezávislé nebo malé podniky soutěžit s velkými institucemi, což BiNeuro umožní.

Pomocí tohoto softwaru potřebujete větší kontrolu nad reklamními kampaněmi. Ve skutečnosti společnost očekává, že služby budou sloužit více než 340 000 agentům a 12 milionům nezávislých pracovníků.

Pokud pracujete s reklamou, SEO, sociální sítí nebo marketingem chřipky, může vám tato společnost pomoci.

BiNeuro v současné době plánuje počáteční nabídku mincí (ICO) na financování svého vývoje, což je nejlepší příležitost investovat do společnosti. Projekt již existuje a úspěch ICO ovlivňuje pouze rychlost změny, nikoli samotný projekt.

Token, jak je uvedeno v ERC20, a můžete si ho zakoupit za cenu EE 0,0001. Ale existují nějaké slevy. Prodej bude probíhat od 27. března do 4. června a 20% sleva bude každý týden snížena o 2% a každý týden bude dosahovat 0%.

Cestovní mapa

Další způsob, jak získat slevu, je koupit hromadné zboží:
5-15 ETH: 2% sleva;
15-30 ET: 5% sleva;
30-50 ETH: 8% sleva;
50+ ETH: 10% sleva.
Token Podrobnosti:
Token Symbol: BNR
Tokeny jít na prodej: 27. března 2018
Token v prodeji: 4. června 2018
Token Cena: 5 - 50 ETH, 1 BNR = 0,0001 ETH
Celková nabídka: 850 milionů BNR
Standardní token: ERC 20
Hardcup: 47.000 ETH



Více informací o Bineuro Prosím klikněte níže:

Webová stránka: https://bineuro.com/web/

Autor: mata air


ETH: 0xc6E9064fF8e816a8a8cf70f7e0703c60b2FC32bf

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Viva Network Mobile Application

Viva Network Mobile Application
Along with advanced web-based platforms, we will develop Android & Apple apps to connect users with unparalleled ease and efficiency. From ERC20 wallets to mortgage lists to portfolio buildings, The Viva Network embraces the first mobile design - essential for developing countries with key mobile Internet access.


VIVA Tokens ("VIVA") is a toll-based ERC20 Ethereum blockchain, designed to provide utilities in the exclusive application of The Viva Network Platform. VIVA will initially be distributed, to the early adherents of our vision to the Viva Network Platform, in recognition of the contributions made during Token Generation Events. If we successfully carry our vision of the Viva Network Platform to the results, we intend for VIVA to provide token holders with many valuable functions as described in the White Book. Going forward, we intend to create an internal economy within The Viva Network and its ever-evolving platform application, where VIVA will act as an "in-app currency" that serves as an integral driving force for incentive-based ecosystems.

Crowdfunding home in blockchain

Viva uses exclusive contract technology, smart crowling technology, which will allow home buyers to get home loans with fiat currency.
Unlimited and decentralized home loan financing will eliminate the need to rely on intermediaries such as banks and other financial intermediaries.
Viva created a free market in the mortgage industry - reducing inefficiencies and allowing more affordable homeownership.
For the first time, Viva will allow private investors to be accredited to have a highly profitable and asset-backed Frequency Mortalization (FMS).
Also featuring innovative applications, designed to enhance the process of Property Rating and Credit Scoring is current & obsolete.

Token Generation Event Details
=> Hard Cap Generation Token Generation: 3,000,000,000 VIVA tokens

=> Hard-stamp ETH: 6,870 ETH
Pre-Sales Round 1
=> Bonus tokens: 40%
=> ETH lift hard-cap: 500 ETH
Pre-Sales Round 2
=> Bonus token: 35%
=> ETH lifts hard-stamp: 2,570 ETH
Pre-Sales Round 3
=> Bonus tokens: 30%
=> ETH lifts hard-stamp: 6,870 ETH
Distribution Token
The total number of tokens that ever existed is 4 billion VIVA
75% - Event Token Generation Distribution
7.5% - Team allocation
3.75% - Allocation Advisor
10% - Fund Reserve Allocation
3.75% - Allocation of Marketing Contribution, Bounty, and Private


May 2016 - Inception of original idea.
June 2017 - Exploration of the blockchain ecosystem to identify appropriate core technologies.
July 2017 - Planning of high-end service-oriented architecture of Viva Platform.
August 2017 - Exploration and feasibility analysis data.
Nov 2017 - Developing a Home Value Assessment Algorithm 1.0.
Q1 & Q2 - 2018 - Launch of Generation Token Events and MVP development. Start a large-scale

marketing campaign.
Q3 - 2018 - Develop 2.0 Real Value Application. Get legal and regulatory licenses.
Q4 - 2018 - Launch the Real Value 2.0 application. Finalization of exclusive ML algorithms.
Q1 - 2019 - Begin the gradual launch of the Viva Network Platform.
Q2 - 2019 - Launch Viva Network Platform and successful first home loanfundund with Viva

mortgage financing system.

The core team

Christian Fiddick - Chief Architect
Nick Thomson - Chief Executive Officer
Benjamin Erichsen - Chief Operating Officer
Paul Montero, ACCA - Chief Financial Officer
David Erichsen - Chief Technical Officer
Tarek Waked - Chief Strategy Officer
Wilson Carter - Chief Marketing Officer
Greg Maybury - Accounting Manager
Katherine Masters - Director of Public Relations
Jeff Hooton - Full Stack Developer
Blake Carter - Director of Business Expansion
Alex Brown - Financial Advisor
William Lewis - Director
Linc Kupke - Assistant Architect
Nikolai Paloni - Branding Expert
Kenneth Thomson - Real Estate Analyst


Dennis O'Connell
Loretta Joseph
Stephen Thomson
Marlon Weems
Gilbert Darrell
Dr. Kishan Sudusinghe
Jesse Beohm
Jeremy Swan
James Anfossi
Josh Hebb
David Lorek
Important Information
WEB SITE: http://www.vivanetwork.org/
WHITE PAPER: http://www.vivanetwork.org/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: http://t.me/Wearethevivanetwork
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheVivaNetwork
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@VivaNetwork
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/VivaNetworkOfficial/

GITHUB: https://github.com/viva-network/viva-tge

Author On Behalf of: mata air
BTT Profile:

ETH wallet address: 0xc6E9064fFe8167a8A8cF70F7E0703c60b2FC32bf

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

the GSC program will allow real-time signals to MROs, Ongoing Airworthiness Management Companies and air channels in the various aeronautical plane fields involved.

Currently To provide aeronautical expert quality assets, blockchain innovation security and advanced proficiency conventions. This will empower economies of scale for the aircraft business by simplifying the production network as a whole.
GSC Aviation is the store chain's answer to improve aviation prosperity and streamline forms for the Aviation Industry.


Because of the question module, the GSC avionics stage allows clients to find providers near them. Because web crawler frameworks are listed, the top of the row seller looks first in the results.
In accordance with the needs of the client (s) of things and administration, they can choose the provider of their choice and the criteria that define and make the call for the tender of each pair locked.
Point by point character cards stored in the GSC database allow clients to quickly get data from each provider.

GSC Stages equips every buyer with dashboard posting data about their provider and their past efforts. This special tool for buyers allows them to save time and focus on higher purchases and important tasks including incentives for their organizations.

What is GSC Aviation?

GSC Airplane is designed to get rid of this idea by providing a process that will help gather precise details about the device using blockchain technology innovation. Regardless of obtaining facts about blockchain, the GSC program will allow real-time signals to MROs, Ongoing Airworthiness Management Companies and air channels in the various aeronautical plane fields involved.

GSC Airplane Aeronautical Provides Sequence Monitoring Features

The GSC solution provides an efficient program that will improve data on the appropriate aeronautical field. The system will work under the following structure:

GSC Airplane Marketplace
With the Improvement and Renovation Repair (MRO) market developing major from aeronautics, the GSC provides aviation sector industries managed by regulating the systems in the aviation world. It guarantees the lifestyle of the safety factor as each device can be traced back to its source.

GSC Airplane Database
Although details are required for flights, the production chains for devices are still not decentralized to provide or combine all members. The GSC program is looking to get rid of this through a data source based on blockchain. This data source will:

Provide the device provider with an identification card as an access point to the details by the customer

Sources for services or products needed for specific aviation needs

Assess consumers from aviation areas through customer ratings providers and programs.

Track and observe service providers to ensure diversion in a simple way and way

Securely and independently collect details about specific areas and resources in the GSC program.

GSC Airplane GSCP Symbol ICO Details
- Date of ICO: 24.07.2018 - 24.10.2018

Parameters Of The ICO
- Token-GSCP

- Type- ERC20

- Price in ICO- 1 GSCP = 0.02 EUR

- Min. investment - 100 EUR

- Receive-ETH, BTC

- Distributed in ICO- 60%

- Soft cap - 4,000,000 EUR

- Hard cap - 46.2 million EUR

Token Distribution
- ICO Discount Symbol- 60%

- Crew - 25%

- Advisers- 2%

- Corporate reserves - 10%

- Bounty- 3%

Use of Funds
- IT and development- 70%

- Marketing / Growth Token - 20%

- Backup Security - 5%

- Legal - 5%

GSC Airplane Conclusion
The use of blockchain technological innovation is not the most important thing, but the GSC product is a great starting point of the technological innovation in the most crucial levels of aviation, that is the supply chain devices. The power to utilize blockchain could make GSC Airplane a major example of implementing blockchain technological innovation.

More Information:

BTT USER NAME: mata air
MYETH: 0xc6E9064fFe8167a8A8cF70F7E0703c60b2FC32bf

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

the MOZO project aims to bring the retail market an effective incentive system to increase consumer traffic.

Warmly, Today, the e-commerce market is becoming increasingly popular. Growing from year to year, taking a large share of the pie from the shopping center, large-scale reduction in retail sales is a matter of time, if not take effective action.

The MOZO team believes that to maintain high-level retail trade and improve it, it is necessary to use all modern technology to drive pedestrian traffic to the store. Increased pedestrian traffic is directly correlated with sales growth. A simple effective incentive system must be made effective and attract new potential buyers to the existing shopping centers.

Thus, the MOZO project aims to bring the retail market an effective incentive system to increase consumer traffic. MOZO will help small shops and large shopping centers, the benefits will be absolutely everything.

MOZO - a blockchain based platform, which uses modern technology to increase pedestrian traffic, and thereby increase sales, is a detailed and effective customer loyalty program.
The platform will have its own crypto currency. The goal is to pay for goods and services, financial transactions, the possibility of buying bitcoin, ether and other popular crypto currencies. The holder token will be offered various bonuses, discounts, promotions and special offers in stores that are already connected to the Mozo platform.

In addition, store customers can not only buy tokens, but also receive by observing the terms of shares of the platform partners.

In addition, the advantage of the Mozo system is the ability of customers to receive tokens even for shopping or when they share new information about it. In stores, certain sensors will be installed, and mobile apps and platforms will be some linking links, so, there will be exchange of goods and services data, discounts, current offers. The platform also uses IPS technology to receive instant customer transfers.

Mozo APP - what are its features, the purpose?

For partner store clients, the mobile app will make it possible to receive and save MOZO tokens. This app can absolutely download every user for free, so you need to buy a small number of Mozo-tokens to activate it. Potential buyers with MOZO visit app store are installed, which in turn is digital and app users can get acquainted with current special offers, comparing the cost in real time and offline. This platform will connect Mozo APP and IoT with Bluetooth Low Energy. "Lighthouse" will be installed in the ceiling of the place, and iStickers will mark the goods.

Mozo has partnership agreements with Mall, a large-scale operator from China Wanda Group and a popular 361 ° store. Strategic partnerships put the project on the leading position in the retail sector in Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Korea.

ICO Details
The official token of the project is Mozo - token ERC-20. It is a fuel MOZO platform. These tokens are used to encourage customers.

The total number of tokens is 5 billion.
The purpose of fees is $ 88 million, with two stages of the ICO. For the first stage of hardap - 42 million dollars. At the same time, 700 million tokens are put up for sale. This stage ends the other day - July 30.
1 Token = 0.09 USD

The second stage is planned for the 4th quarter of 2018, 550 million will be put up for sale, while the hardcage is designated at $ 46 million. 1 Token = 0.12 USD in the second stage of the ICO.

It is important to note that it took only 2 weeks and the software was achieved - in the amount of $ 20 million. Currently, ICO first phase continues and you can join until July 30. Payment is accepted: BTC and ETH

Is the project attractive for investment?

In my opinion, of course.

At the heart of any successful project is the demand for the idea, the possibility of its implementation. The retail market is now suffering losses, fighting for its piece of pie with the e-commerce market. Mozo is a project that can increase retail sales to the maximum possible values, in addition, payment for purchases in the crypto currency - this is the future. Mozo already has not a small experience in the retail market and since 2015 proves the effectiveness of its work, which is expressed in the desire of at least 38,000 stores to join the MOZO platform. Moreover, according to the road map, the team intends to increase the number of partner stores to 300 thousand to 4 quarters in 2021.

Independent evaluation sites highly appreciate the project. So, icoholder.com, which, in my opinion, is the most objective in the ICO assessment puts 4.04 out of 5 possible.

In any case, to invest or not - it's up to you, I advise you to do your own research on the project and then make a decision.

Author by: mata air
Bitcointalk Username profile:
ETHERWALLET: 0xc6E9064fFe8167a8A8cF70F7E0703c60b2FC32bf

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